Advanced SO-to-PO Link Module for Acumatica

Many distributors manage complex orders that include multiple lines, multiple quantities and drop shipments. Order fulfillment requires oversight of buy/sell transactions that include multiple vendors, contract terms and logistics. Change orders may be a constant. Fulfillment may be from stock or via dropship or both.

This module augments Acumatica SO & PO screens with columnar views depicting related SO and PO numbers. Manages complex many-to-many relationships, allocations and change orders.

Key Features of Advanced SO-to-PO Link Module


Manage Complex Orders Minimize mistakes. Assure all SO line items have corresponding PO


Benefit from Volume Purchase Discounts via support of irregular quantity PO-SO relationships, e.g. purchase quantities in excess of number sold


Single screen SO/PO visibility increases user productivity while managing complex orders


Assure responsiveness to meet end buyer delivery dates


Minimize errors whether change is Customer or Distributor initiated with updated SO to PO relationships maintained


Augment updates mandated by change order


Realize Volume Discount and Maintain Optimum Stock Levels


Optimize purchase options by interrelating warehouse replenishment with SO’s Mix ‘n Match SO, PO and Replenishment relationships 

Product Screenshots

Click each image below to enlarge.

PO Number is Displayed on SO Screen
Click on PO Link. Purchase Order number is displayed for all products

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ASC delivers ISV solutions that save serious time and money for supply chain and accounting applications. Our solutions are written in native Acumatica xRP. They address complex ERP requirements extending Acumatica’s market breadth and competitiveness. ASC augments Acumatica with elegant solutions that monitor and automate ERP functions to improve Acumatica’s competitive landscape and save customers (and their VAR’s) serious time and money. Learn more

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