As Microsoft scales back support of Dynamics SL and slowly prepares to sunset the popular enterprise resource planning (ERP) platform, many businesses are replacing this antiquated solution with Acumatica ERP software.

If you’ve been considering Acumatica as a replacement for Dynamics SL, it’s important to know what the robust platform brings to the table.

With that in mind, let’s examine some signs that you need to move on from Dynamics SL and highlight four real-world benefits other businesses have experienced after making the switch. 

Do You Need to Sunset Dynamics SL? 5 Signs to Look For

It’s safe to say that you should move on from Dynamics SL if:

  1. You Need to Scale: Acumatica ERP offers superior scalability by charging you based on the amount of computing power you use, not the number of users you have enrolled.
  2. Your Recurring Software Licensing Fees Are Excessive: Using Dynamics SL requires you to license several other complementary Microsoft products, which can drive up your software fees. Acumatica is an all-in-one solution, meaning you’ll pay just one fee.
  3. You Need Better Support: Whereas Microsoft is scaling back support for Dynamics SL, Acumatica is continuously expanding its certified partner network.
  4. You Want a Cloud-Based Solution: Acumatica ERP software is a true cloud platform, which means you can access all of its features and tools through any web browser. 
  5. Your ROI Is Subpar: Acumatica includes a broad range of industry-specific solutions for sectors like manufacturing and distribution, allowing you to achieve a better ROI.

Do these signs sound eerily familiar? If so, it’s undoubtedly time to make a change. 

Acumatica ERP Software in Action: 4 Real-World Benefits

Now that we’ve highlighted some indicators that you need to upgrade your ERP software, let’s shift our attention to some of the benefits associated with adopting Acumatica. There are too many to cover in detail in one blog, so we’ve highlighted four that promise to be game-changers for many business leaders.

By making the switch, businesses have enjoyed such benefits as:

1. Reduced Costs

One of the most notable benefits of Acumatica ERP software is that it can provide businesses with significant cost savings, especially if they’re currently using Dynamics SL and its host of auxiliary software solutions.

Businesses stand to not only decrease their licensing fees but also identify sources of waste via Acumatica’s visibility and reporting tools. They can then use these insights to streamline processes, cut costs, and free up capital to explore growth.

Parallels, a leader in automation and virtualization software, experienced major cost reductions by switching to Acumatica. The business slashed the cost of preparing consolidated reports by 80% and reduced reporting time from five days to just one to two.

2. Time Savings

Want to save time and free up your staff to tackle more dynamic tasks? Acumatica ERP software can assist with that as well.

After adopting Acumatica, Target Enterprises reduced its 35-hour check reconciliation process to just two hours. A Target Enterprise controller praised Acumatica’s reporting capabilities, stating that it’s “saving me so much time.”

3. Program Consolidation

Relying on too many ERP-related programs can hamper productivity and leave your team feeling overwhelmed. Thanks to Acumatica’s extensive tools and features, you can consolidate your suite of programs and complete more tasks within a unified platform.

Just about any brand can simplify its software suite with Acumatica. For instance, IMG Enterprises, an agribusiness, reduced its number of ERP-related programs from 14 to four by switching to Acumatica.

4. Improved Support 

You rely on your ERP to support day-to-day business processes, as well as high-level decision-making functions. With so much on the line, it only makes sense to choose a solution that’s the epitome of reliability. Acumatica is that solution.

Acumatica’s 24/7 international support is a major reason CASE made the switch to the leading ERP software. The director of information systems praised Acumatica for being “accessible to everyone, any time they need it.”

Let ASC Accelerate Your Acumatica Journey

If you’re ready to move on from Dynamics SL and adopt Acumatica ERP software, Advanced Solutions & Consulting Co. can help. As a full-service Acumatica migration partner, ASC will assist with everything from planning your transition to configuring your new ERP solution to align with your organizational needs.

To learn more, connect with our team and let us know how Acumatica ERP software can fuel your continued growth.

Also, check out our related article to learn more: Struggling With Dynamics SL? Signs It’s Time to Make the Switch.