Adopting cloud-based enterprise resource planning (ERP) software is a wise move for any growing business. A dynamic ERP solution like Acumatica can help your business more effectively manage its core processes, from accounting to HR and everything in between. 

By investing in such a solution, you can also:

Enhance Security

Like most modern businesses, your organization probably gathers copious consumer data to guide marketing decisions and assess your overall performance. While this sort of data is certainly valuable to your business, it’s also a hot commodity among hackers.

As such, you must proactively work to safeguard your data from cybercriminals that seek to exploit it for personal gain. This can be easier said than done, especially if your data is scattered across a half dozen disparate systems.

Adopting cloud-based ERP software consolidates your data into a single secure location. It replaces vulnerable resources like physical documents, spreadsheets, and antiquated legacy software that’s no longer supported by the developer.

Once you’ve consolidated your data into an ERP platform, you can take extra precautions to ensure that it’s secure. 

Improve Compliance Processes

If you operate in a heavily regulated industry like the financial sector, you must adhere to relevant laws and maintain compliance. Otherwise, you may incur serious fines and inadvertently damage your brand’s reputation. Maintaining compliance is difficult when your important documents are spread across multiple platforms.

Acumatica ERP software can simplify compliance by helping you keep your records up-to-date and making them easier to locate.

In the event of an audit, your team can quickly search relevant records and compile reports for auditors. This will allow you to avoid any enforcement action and preserve the brand reputation you’ve worked so hard to build. 

Provide a Single Source of Truth

Have you ever wasted hours searching for a particular spreadsheet or file? Assuming you’re fortunate enough to have not had this experience, it’s bound to happen if you continue to rely on disparate systems and outdated software. 

ERP software can help you avoid this headache by providing a single source of truth through which you can access all your important business data. You can rapidly locate important files, such as last month’s sales totals, customer account information, and other crucial information.

Consolidating your data into a unified platform will save you a tremendous amount of time, boost productivity, and enable you to better serve your clients. 

Increase Productivity 

One of the greatest barriers to continued business growth is an over-reliance on manual processes. Managing business processes using human input is inefficient, time-consuming, and tedious. While you can’t simply ignore these mission-critical tasks, you can modernize how you perform them.

With Acumatica ERP software, you can automate traditionally manual workflows to maximize productivity and reduce friction from your business model. In turn, this will allow your staff to focus on more dynamic tasks that deliver value for your company and fuel your continued growth.

Maximize Visibility

To sharpen your competitive edge, you need to leverage your business data to guide decision-making and identify emerging growth opportunities.

However, you can’t analyze your business data unless you have a clear view of what information is available to you. It’s virtually impossible to keep up with your business data when it’s spread among several disconnected applications.

When you migrate to ERP software, you can achieve superior data visibility by tapping into this valuable information using a single platform. A solution like Acumatica will not only increase data visibility but also provide the tools necessary to conduct comprehensive analyses and generate robust performance reports.

Unlock Measurable Benefits with Acumatica ERP Software

Acumatica ERP software is the premier enterprise resource planning solution for evolving businesses. This dynamic, user-friendly solution gives you everything you need to maximize business productivity, improve data security, and accelerate your growth trajectory.

If you’re ready to embrace the leading ERP software on the market, there’s only one more hurdle for you to clear: the implementation process. Fortunately, you don’t need to go it alone. Instead, you can leverage the services of Advanced Solutions and Consulting’s experienced Acumatica ERP implementation experts.

Contact Advanced Solutions and Consulting today to start planning your implementation or watch our Acumatica demo today.

Additional ERP Resources

Maximizing Your Business Potential with ERP Software

5 Reasons Growing Businesses Need ERP Software

ERP Systems 101: How to Choose the Right ERP for Your Business